Berliner Luft
A kiss from Berlin
Berliner Luft– a peppermint liqueur – MADE IN BERLIN. The charismatic drink from the capital fascinates young and old people. If you need some clarity- just breathe and stay calm!
Case details
The Berliner Luft truck advertisement is aiming to produce popularity for the liqueur all over Germany and Swiss. If you are in Hamburg, in Munich or Zurich, Berliner Luft is always there to give a kick-start for good mood. The design is a classic Berlin style and the direct Berlin charm is mirrored in the slogans. According to the motto: „Berlin ist überall und überall ist Berlin“ the campaign will be shown by 35 trucks in Germany and Swiss.
There will be clear air in Munich, Berlin, Colone ,Hamburg, Zurich and Hannover. No, this is no weather forecast, but our way presenting you the centres of the campaign. Just in case you really badly want to see a Berliner Luft truck. The modern design oft Berliner Luft truck advertisement is best shown with the High-End premium foil Orajet 3551 RA inclusive the glossy protection layer Oraguard 215. With this package the trucks are prepared for their 2-year ride.
Additionally, we recorded the Berliner Luft truck advertisement on their first runs with cameras and 4 K drones. The trucks drive past hotspots in Berlin, like the Brandenburger Tor, the Berliner Mauer or the Oberbaumbrücke. Gigantic, eye-catching, and rocky- this is a video in our liking. Now the company can let the campaign roll online with all the recorded video material. Would you like to roll out your next campaign across multiple media channels? Then we look forward to hearing from you here.
We are looking forward to see the fresh air in your glass! Greetings from Berlin…

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Berliner Luft am Rollen