Being active
The SWD Powervolleys are centred in Düren are in the first national league in volleyball. Their usual brand colours are petrol and white. The mosquitos are their biggest fans and build their Fanclub. Their hymn should be known by every human being!
Case details
When the ball is supposed to fly over the net and not into it, usually it is Volleyball your talking about. Our fittest truck represents the Powervolleys centred in Düren. He is in best form exactly like every player of the Powervolleys. His endurance is insane, and he drives non-stop through Düren and surroundings to excite people about volleyball. Nothing can stop him. Except red traffic lights – obviously.
Our truck represents the first National League in volleyball. The petrol-white colour scheme of the Powervolleys is all over the Powervolleys truck advertisement. The side of the truck shows every sponsor on the left side. On the right side there is a crucial moment of a game. One player throws himself on the ground and reaches as far as possible with his arm to the front to prevent the ball from touching the ground. It starts with deadly silence and ends with big applause. The Powervolleys truck advertisement transfers the suspense from the hall on the road! Other sport clubs like FC Viktoria Berlin has already used our truck advertisement. Are you interested too?
The back of the truck is decorated with a cooperation of the Powervolleys and the Allianz for the youth people. Their motto ”Geimeinsam stark” is spread all over Düren by our truck.

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